Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Teaching Experience

Today in class I had to teach my mock lesson, for 15 minutes. In my lesson I approached the topic of Prohibition In my Roaring 20's Unit. I thought the topic was a good one, because it allowed students to appreciate the prohibition of a past time of many people during the time, and maybe even today. Since it was high school oriented class i couldn't really approach the topic of drinking, but i avoided it up asking students how they would feel if their favorite past-time was outlawed. I got mixed responses, but i thought it was a good was to open up the class this way.
I thought my lesson was well formulated to meet the needs of a 40 minute regualar class session, but I had to minimize it down to a 15 minute class. I enjoyed not having to meet the pressures of teaching for a whole 40 minutes, which I have had to do in my other education classes, but it made me realize that being prepared for changing plans for lessons is an important skill to have, and pull off.
The interruptions in the class were kind of funny, and I think approached them well. I think I need to work on being more of myself in front of a class, and to just make sure to be personable. I was nervous before going up, but hopefully when i do my junior field experience within the next month I will learn how to tackle my nervousness.

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