Thursday, March 13, 2008

Principal Sees Injustice, and Picks a Fight With It

The problem of illegal immigration statutues is much more far reaching than most people think, and in this article awareness of the impact that state statutues are having on illegal immigrant children comes to the forefront. In the article we meet a principle, Mr. Watterson. Shes an advocate for illgeal immigratn student funding, and rights, and has chosen to see to it that the children who suffer enough as it is, are able to atleast able to be educated in a sound way. Watterson became principle of Gateway Early College High School in 2003, and immediately started implementing change. She was not infavor of the old curriculum, and replaces it with a traditional set of standards because she felt the new progressive way was detriorating school performance. She is known for change, and when she felt the time was right she began her crusade to end or question the state statutes of Arizona, which is known as Proposition 300. The proposition says that illegal immigrants could not receive in-state tuition at public colleges and universities in Arizona. Nor could school administrators like Ms. Watterson use state money to pay it. Is this is fair thing for the state to impose on children who have fled primarily Mexico, i search of both a better life, but for the sake of the article, a better education?
Since Ms. Watterson has taken charge, and has began appearing on television shows, and interviewing with newpapers, and magazines, she has managed to raise of $27,ooo dollars in order to pay for some her students to attend college here in the United States.
Although Ms. Watterson is using her abilities to help those in need, is she really helping the rest of the country, by setting an example of being a dissenter against a state law? I find it hard to believe that she still has her job.


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